Worship · April 10, 2019

Our Holy Week Paraments

par'-a-ment noun: an ornamental ecclesiastical hanging or vestment

This year Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church has added to our collection of paraments, the liturgical cloth that adorns the pulpit and is reflected in the clergy’s stoles and our processional banner.

New, bright-purple Lenten paraments with a gold cross arrived on Ash Wednesday. On Palm Sunday, we introduce a vivid-red parament, featuring an image of the Passover Lamb. This parament pairs beautifully with the white parament of the Risen Lamb, which we used for the first time last Easter.

“Our paraments feature the traditional colors and symbols of the liturgical seasons,” says Senior Pastor Scott Black Johnston. “They add an important component to our worship by helping us mark the seasons of the Christian year in tangible and beautiful ways.”