Worship · September 1, 2020

The Exodus Blueprint

This fall, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church will study the second book in the Bible, Exodus.

Soichi Watanabe, The Name of God and the Salvation of Humanity, 2010.

Why Exodus? In recent years this congregation worked its way through dozens of core stories in the book of Genesis. So, Exodus seems a natural answer to: “What’s Next?”

Exodus also gets big points for relevance.

The book of Exodus tells the story of a people who yearn for freedom, a society beset by plagues, a ruler (pharaoh) who doesn’t get it, violence between races, a terrible night, a fantastic escape, the inscription of new moral codes, rebellion against those codes, the embrace of idols, and a long, difficult, often circuitous journey following God while endeavoring to build a new society.

Sound familiar?

The saga of the Exodus strikes a resonant chord in this challenging time.
Join us as we study these classic texts, listening as God says, “I have heard my people’s cry!” and watch as God’s blueprint for a new world unfolds.

The Fall Sermon Series Kicks Off Homecoming Sunday, September 13.
You Don’t Know These People” • Exodus 1:1-14 • The Rev. Dr. Scott Black Johnston, preaching.